Recipient Rights
It's good to know about your RIGHTS.
When you receive mental health services, Michigan's Mental Health Code and other laws safeguard your rights. Staff are responsible to protect your rights when they provide services to you. You are encouraged to ask questions about your treatment and about your rights and to make sugguestions that you feel are in your best interest. If you believe your rights have been violated, you should inform a Rights Officer/Advisor.
If you have any questions about your rights when receiving mental health services, I can help.
Jennifer Morgan & Lyndsee Hartman | Recipient Rights Officers
Toll-Free: 1.888.527.1790
To file a Recipient Rights Complaint click here. PRINT THIS PAGE AND SUBMIT TO Jennifer Morgan, Recipient Rights Officer.
Or, send an email to
To listen to "Your Rights" when receiving mental health services on podcast click here.
Recipient Rights Booklet (English) click here
- Spanish Recipient Rights Booklet (Sus Derechos: Al recibir Servicios de Salud Mental en Michigan)
- Arabic Recipient Rights Booklet (حقوقك عند تلقي خدمات الصحة النفسیة في میشیغان)
5-Part Podcast about your rights – Listen Now
Online Training for Recipient Rights
To fill out a Medicaid Fair Hearing Request Form click here.
**Recipient Rights Policies & Procedures**